Debian Events in Europe by subject
- 2015-04-24/26 BSP in vs
- [Debian-uk] Debian BBQ, 2nd-3rd August in Cambridge
- [ Call for participation: Linux day in Augsburg, Germany]
- [ [RMLL/LSM] - CfP 2014]
- [ [FOSDEM] Call for participation: main tracks and developer rooms]
- Apple-id aus Sicherheitsgründen deaktiviert!
- BSP in Switzerland (St-Cergue) - 30 Jan -> 1 Feb 2015
- BSP 2014-12-13+14 - no venue?
- BSP 2014-12-13+14 - venue
- Bug Squashing party for Debian and Ubuntu in Oslo, Norway weekend 2014-05-10/11
- Call for participation: LVEE Winter 2014 near Minsk, Belarus
- Call for talk submissions
- Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2015
- Come una piuma
- Confirm your subscription
- Debian @ LinuxTag 2014-05, Berlin, Germany
- Debian at OpenRheinRuhr 2014
- Debian BBQ, 2nd-3rd August in Cambridge
- Debian Bug Squashing Party in Salzburg/Austria - 25-27 April 2014
- Debian Bug Squashing Party in Salzburg/Austria, April 24-26 2015
- Debian Bug Squashing Party in Tilburg, .nl, sat 2014-12-13 - sun 2014-12-14
- Debian Bug Squashing Party in Tilburg, .nl, sat 2014-12-13 - sun 2014-12-14)
- Debian localgroup meeting 30.01. in Berlin
- Debian localgroup meeting July in Berlin
- Debian localgroup meeting March in Berlin
- Debian localgroup meeting November in Berlin (E-Lok)
- Debian Med Sprint in Stonehaven neer Aberdeen
- Design Création
- fiberize
- FOSDEM stand for Debian
- FOSDEM stand?
- in Leipzig March 1-6
- in Leipzig April 2nd-5th 2014
- Link to OpenSource Video Conference - Available
- Linux Days in Prague 4/5. October
- Luke Helmond Demos
- Lymboo Math for 2013-2014 school year
- Math foundation
- Mini-DebConf in Cambridge, UK - November 6-9 2014
- MiniDebConf in Barcelona - March 15 & 16 2014
- multiplied
- Nota Certa Boletins Jur�dicos
- for FOSDEM?
- RFH: logcheck
- roll banner at T-DOSE 2014
- roll banner at T-DOSE 2014, routing .DE Berlin - .NL Eindhoven
- roll banner routing from Berlin.DE to Eindhoven.NL
- Solicitation for propoganda
- Sonder Woche der Nale Late Orangen (... und kommen mit einem Geschenk)
- The Debian Events Box needs a new home
- Tryd 3, Chegou a Nova Versão da Melhor Plataforma de Negociação do Mercado.
- Video conference - become contributors
- vos impressions offset
- Woman meet Debian
- Your stand proposal for Debian has been accepted)
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- Last message date: Wed Dec 31 2014 - 09:52:15 CET
- Archived on: Wed Dec 31 2014 - 09:52:16 CET