Re: unrated games

From: Martin Schulze (
Date: Sun May 25 2003 - 19:44:58 CEST

  • Next message: Kai Blin: "furniture (was: Re: unrated games)"

    Kai Blin wrote:
    > I just read the archives, and I must admit, I'm really stuck by the new
    > legislation.
    > What would you think is the WorldForge project supposed to do? We're
    > developing a framework to develop games, but we also have a demo game.

    I guess there are only two easy and legal solutions:

     a) Submit a CD with the demo game to the Volunteer Check Organisation
        and pay loads of money.

     b) Don't hand out a CD to underaged visitors and don't allow
        underaged visitors to test the game or something else during the
        exhibition on your booth.

    The third "solution" would easy as well, but legally problematic:

     c) Ignore the new law since it's crap.

    > So, how does the LinuxTag team think about this?

    Hmm, for that you'll have to send the mail to or This list is read by active people from other

    > PS: do you have a list of available furniture, so we can mark that on
    > our booth layout plan?

    Furniture will be regular tables and chairs, just like last year.
    Unfortunately I haven't recorded the size of the tables, but you may
    get a feeling from last years' pictures.



    Life is a lot easier when you have someone to share it with.  -- Sean Perry

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