RE: syslog

From: Rainer Gerhards <>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 16:12:28 +0200


I am the author of rsyslog[1], which is a fork from sysklogd (well, "a
bit" enhanced by now). It implements the BSD-Style hostnames (well,
mostly, the @ is not yet implemented). Rsyslog is the default syslogd on
Fedora and scheduled to become it on some others. So you may want to
have a look at it. It is a drop in replacement, so syslog.conf syntax is
the same. The project goal was to enhance sysklogd but keep as
compatible as possible. The changes were too intrusive to do it as part
of sysklogd (that was discussed on this list a few years ago). So I hope
it is OK to spread this information on the sysklogd list again ;)

Received on Wed Sep 24 2008 - 16:12:28 CEST

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