On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:03:12PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I was actually talking about the situation if you are on a strongly community
> oriented event (like CLT) and you realise that there is nobody close to the
> booth. It is OK to just use the chance to use the face to face meeting with
> your fellow developers to solve some problems which are completely unrelated
> to the event - provided that you immediately turn your attraction to any
> visitor who comes close to your booth.
> I followed the later strategy and consider my time well spend also in the
> sense of the community.
Just as an information point, I think we already asked LinuxTag booth
personell to do hacking in the hacking area even way back when it was
located in Karlsruhe and more of a community event still.
But I have never been to CLT so cannot judge what is appropriate there.
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