Debian at the Linuxtag 2008 (2008-05-28 to -31, Berlin, Germany) [was: Re: LinuxTag 2008: Call for Projects]

From: No�l K�the <>
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 13:28:55 +0100


Am Dienstag, den 29.01.2008, 19:41 +0100 schrieb Marko Jung:

after the successful Chemnitzer Linuxtage lets do the Linuxtag.

> LinuxTag is looking for projects to participate in this year's
> exhibition. The Call for Projects contains everything that project
> members need to know about the conditions. To participate, send a
> substantive description of your project by February 21, 2008. You should
> not wait to the end of the deadline, because we will inform projects,
> that have been exhibiting at last year's LinuxTag, within a few days
> after their submission whether they may participate or not at this
> year's show.

I requested a booth for Debian at the Linuxtag 2008 in Berlin:
Project Debian GNU/Linux [project #14215]

An initial wikipage can be found here:

There will be no CD/DVD from my side because some month before the lenny
release IMHO it doesn't make any sense to make 5000 etch CD/DVDs and
testing is testing and not for endusers.

There are no plans for a DebianDay like in the past afaik.

So the focus is to have a booth to present our project and distribution.

Since the move away from Karlsruhe its not the same LinuxTag but "4. Our
priorities are our users and free software".:)

Noèl Köthe <noel>
Debian GNU/Linux,

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