Re: nochmals wegen der CD / DVD zum LT

From: Martin Schulze (
Date: Mon Jan 27 2003 - 16:40:07 CET

  • Next message: Michael Bramer: "Re: CeBIT"

    Sven Hoexter wrote:
    > > Well, that part I got already. I was more asking about whether it'll
    > > be a CD or a DVD and if a DVD what kind of DVD and what will be put
    > > on it. That's what I wasn't able to gather from the discussion since
    > > there were too may concurring opinions.
    > ATM I'm preparing for a woody CD as the base with packages from main and
    > non-us/main. I thought about including some backportet packages from sarge or
    > sid like mozilla but I'm still not sure if it is a wise idea cause they would
    > not receive security updates. How did you deal with such issue in the past?

    Should be prevented as much as possible, but it's still a way to improve
    the system usability-wise.



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