Re: IMPORTANT: final call for booking plces

Stefan Luetkebrune (
Thu, 26 Aug 1999 09:16:31 +0200

On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 12:40:37AM +0200, Othmar Pasteka wrote:

> this is the last call for mails if somebody wants me to book a place for
> him or her.
> so far i never heard a single word from them about this issue:

> Stefan Luetkebrune

Karsten Merker has already booked a hotel room for me:
Etap Hotel, Gersthofen 8.-11.9., 2 nights.

If only I was rid of my transport problem (day of arrival as follows
and transport space for my hardware), I could give a clear answer for
tuesday, 7th.

So there is still a problem: I've registered for the debian tutorial
on wednesday, 8th of september, and took holidays from 5t - 17th of
september but Karsten's boss will not let him go before wednesday.

So if somebody could pick me and ``Tagana'' up in cologne on tuesday
- _please_ contact me!

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