youth hostel UPDATE

Othmar Pasteka (
Thu, 26 Aug 1999 18:20:29 +0200


i found out some interesting news:

you can take your sleeping bag with you. we don't get a key but we can
stay out till 1am, so it shouldn't be that big problem.
the youth hostel licenses (or what they are called in english) cost 20
dm <27 years and 35 >=27.
people coming from other countries don't have to take one of these
licenses but have to pay 6dm extra per night. so one has to calculate if
he needs one or not.
btw. i hope everybody comes and stays that long. i am the responsible
person for this. if someone doesn't come/pay/whatever i have to bear the
costs, i.e. the costs per night. so, everybody should come, expect he is
dies suddenly ;).
and i hadn't time at the office to send the fax. i will do it tomorrow.
sorry about that and being so annoying with the booking... :)

so long
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