Othmar Pasteka (pasteka@kabsi.at)
Thu, 26 Aug 1999 00:40:37 +0200
this is the last call for mails if somebody wants me to book a place for
him or her.
so far i never heard a single word from them about this issue:
Michael Bramer
Stefan Luetkebrune
David Frey
Stefan Gybas
I am waiting for answers from the following people if i should book for
them or not:
Andreas Jellinghaus
James Troup
Hartmut Koptein
And the following people are registered for booking:
Edward Betts 7.-11.
Frank Neumann 8.-10.
Andreas Jellinghaus ?
Othmar Pasteka 7.-11.
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This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0b3 on Thu Aug 26 1999 - 00:44:37 CEST