Subject: Re: Bugtraq
From: Alan Cox (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 00:03:17 CET
> > I won't be relaying bugtraq items to this list any more. If someone who likes reading
> > spam and doesnt use ORBS cares to take over feel free. it looks like bugtraq has
> > problems and isnt interested in fixing them the sane way
> Hmm, this looks some kind of different to me:
Elias swalled's bogus stories whole.
> > server its hosted of, and is filtering their
> > probes since they claim they are a DoS, ORBS is adding any mail servers
> > connected via (including ours) to their spam relaying list,
[This is wrong. Those on the block which are filtered - this has been policy
for all the spam relay blockers for years - people who filter folks doing
spam checks get filtered because 99% of them are Canter & Siegel type outfits]
And last time I checked let anyone use them as a relay doing
A bug in sendmail stuff fixed in 1998
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