Subject: Timeline for potato
From: Richard Braakman (
Date: Tue Dec 28 1999 - 00:26:51 CET
Here is a summary of the plan for releasing potato. The dates after the
actual freeze are still "soft". Please speak up if you have problems
with them.
January 2 "No new packages" freeze
January 8-9 Grand Bug Bash Festival
January 15-16 Potato freezes. Woody is created. Packages with
release-critical bugs will be removed from potato
(and left in woody).
(up to a week) Potato gets cleaned up somewhat. The remaining
release-critical bugs are dealt with, and the effect
of removing so many packages is evaluated.
(around Jan 22) Start of the first test cycle. This is the last
chance for removed packages to get back into potato.
A "Test Cycle" consists of these phases, in order:
2-3 days Preparation
Base disks and CD images are prepared. No changes are
made to the archive except the ones that are necessary
for this.
10-14 days Testing
The distribution is tested. Fixes are prepared for
bugs that are found, but no changes at all are made
to potato during this phase.
The Testing phase may be cut short by the release manager
if something is so badly wrong that testing is useless
until changes are made.
2-3 days Evaluation
The state of potato is evaluated, particularly the bugs
that were found during the Testing phase. If the current
state of the distribution is acceptable, then potato is
released AS IS, and the Test Cycles end.
Otherwise, available fixes are installed, and extra time
will be allocated to fix the remaining bugs, if necessary.
Then a new Test Cycle starts.
I hope that two Test Cycles will be enough; that will put the release near
the end of February.
Richard Braakman
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