Linux programmer's meeting update #2

Frank Neumann (Frank.Neumann@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE)
Thu, 10 Sep 1998 12:06:46 +0200 (MET DST)

Update #2 for you meetingophiles:

- The maps that show you how to get here are done now. Check out

  If you have any questions or problems reading/printing the maps, let me know.

- If any of you don't want to drive back immediately on Sunday evening but
  would rather like to have a night of sleep first, I can offer you to clear
  up my flat a bit and let you sleep there. If you're interested in this,
  please mail me personally so I know what I have to get for breakfast etc.

- If anyone has got a digital camera, it might be a nice idea to bring it
  with him and offer those who cannot perticipate a chance to see some
  images of what we're doing. LiveCam? Updated every 60 seconds? :-)

- Konrad Blum will take 2 defunct Atari Riebl ethernet cards to the meeting.
  If you feel like being able to repair them somehow, they are yours. He
  believes his TT eats those boards because both blew up in his machine
  after only a short while.

- "Entrance fees" per person - not sure yet. As usual, should be in the
  10 - 20 DM area. This includes breakfast stuff - buns, butter etc. - but
  of course not what we eat in the evening when we go out to restaurants
  for lunch.

- No smoking inside the computer rooms! Sorry Roman ;-)

That's all for now,

+ Frank Neumann, Hauptstr. 107, 26131 Oldenburg, Germany    Make the stones +
+ Mail: IRC:Franky       blossom! +
+     (PGP PubKey available) +

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