Segfault caused by an error in ksym_mod.c

From: Andrea Morandi <>
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 09:53:34 +0200


I found a bug in ksym_mod.c - Package sysklogd-1.5

When the kernel is compiled without the /proc/kallsyms and the file is missing, source code fails in function InitMsyms.
The error is that the ksyms variable is NULL and the file pointed by
that variable is wrongly closed some rows later [line 192: fclose(ksyms)]
Remove that line to avoid this error in the startup sequence:
segfault at 00000046 eip d7e14d9d esp bfa0bcd0 error 4

thank you.

Andrea Morandi
CRCC Informatica s.r.l.
Via Passerini, 2 - 20052 Monza (IT)
Received on Wed Apr 02 2008 - 09:53:34 CEST

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