hostname not included when sent to remote host

From: Alain Spineux (
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 19:23:02 CET


When sysklogd send log to a remote host, it didn't include the hostname of
the origin !

Suppose I have a farms of unix server behind a gateway doing NAT
(masquerade), if they send log
to a remote host, this one can't know which one has sent the message !
All the messages will have for the source the ip address of the gateway !

The RFC3164 recommend to include the hostname in the UDP packet just after
timestamp and before the service name. The timestamp is not very usefull for
me, because the
host receiving log have its owne time.

Could I suggest to include the hostname of the origin when the message is
sent to a remote host ?

Be carefull to not ADD a hostname to a forwarded message that normaly
already have one !



Alain Spineux
Linux System Engineer
Avenue de la Couronne 480
1050 Brussels ( Belgium )
Tel. +32-2-644.96.53 * Fax. +32-2-649.18.11

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