Re: Patch to add a -x option to syslogd

From: Martin Schulze (
Date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 08:45:23 CET

  • Next message: Alain Spineux: "hostname not included when sent to remote host"

    Andrew Pollock wrote:
    > I have attached a diff I produced from the Red Hat sources for syslogd
    > (their version 1.4.1) and the mainstream syslogd 1.4.1
    > The -x option disables DNS lookups on the origin of remote messages
    > received when syslogd uses the -r option (which someone here has gone
    > rabid about the lack of in the Debian syslogd, claiming that "all the
    > BSD's have it).
    > So, I humbly submit this patch for consideration. I take no credit or
    > responsibility for it, I simply ran the diff.

    Thanks, I'll take it into consideration.



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