On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 21:42:02 +0200, Joey Schulze wrote:
> Here's the list of events with the associated dates and locations:
> Sep 13-14 Italian Debian Community Conference Bracciano Italy
This event is organized by DDs (mainly Luca Bruno [1]) and according to
the keysigning list [2] at least 5 DDs will be there.
> Coordination for the events can also take place in the Debian Wiki[2].
The website for the event is at [3], with different confirmed talks [4]:
patch systems, SELinux, non-yet-official ports, Openmoko FreeRunner [5]
and OpenPGP smartcard [6].
I'll coordinate with Luca Bruno about the final report.
Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca
[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-italian/2008/08/msg00001.html
[2] http://italiandebconf.debianizzati.org/index.php/GPGSign
[3] http://italiandebconf.debianizzati.org
[4] http://italiandebconf.debianizzati.org/index.php/Proposte_Talk
[5] http://lists.linuxtogo.org/pipermail/smartphones-userland/2008-September/000095.html
[6] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2008/09/msg00139.html
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