Re: Great time at FOSDEM

From: Wouter Verhelst <>
Date: Mon Feb 28 2005 - 16:18:20 CET

On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 03:10:23PM +0000, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> Great weekend!
> I must admit, I spent enough of the weekend tired, drunk etc. that I
> don't remember who exactly was in charge of the Debian booth. :-) We
> seem to have sold almost all of the T-shirts and stickers I brought
> from the UK, which is excellent news. How much money did we make,

A lot :-)

> and who has it?

Noèl Köthe.

There was also an A4 piece of paper containing a list of items that were
being sold, and how much each item was sold. Should allow Noèl to find
out who needs how much money back.

     smog  |   bricks
 AIR  --  mud  -- FIRE
soda water |   tequila
 -- with thanks to fortune

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