schedule for DebianDay at LinuxTag

From: Alexander Schmehl <>
Date: Wed May 26 2004 - 09:50:55 CEST

Good morning,

I propose the following schedule for the DebianDay at LinuxTag 2004:

10:00 Daniel Kasten and Hauke Goos-Habermann
        Softwareverteilungssystem m23

11:00 Andreas Tille
        Custum Debian Distribution reloaded,
        including Mastering Live-CDs

12:00 Michael Banck
        Debian GNU/Hurd

13:00 Thomas Lange
        Voll automatische Linux Installation mit FAI

14:00 Gaudenz Steinlein
        Debian-Installer Internals

15:00 Alexander Schmehl
        »to infitity, and beyond!« about features Sarge will have and
        problems it still has

16:00 Jonathon Oxer
        Linux Kernel, the Debian way

17:00 Jörg Jaspert
        Einführung in das bauen von Debian-Paketen

17:30 Daniel E. Atencio Psille
        Building your own Repository Infrastructure

Daily at 11am, 2pm and 5pm at our booth:
        commented Debian installation

  - speakers: Please send a abstractum soon, if possible including a
    link to your foils / paper / whatever
  - Joey: Please add them to infodrom
  - all: AFAIK Joey is still looking for beamers and screens (=leinwand)
  - booth personal: To we need to point someone out for the daily
    installation shows, or may we hope, that everyone at the debian
    booth can to such an instalaltion and tell visitors, what he is
    doing? (Well, I assume in most cases this will be done by Jörg or me
    anyway ;)

Yours sincerely,

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