Re: Linux Days Luxembourg

From: Axel Beckert (
Date: Wed Oct 29 2003 - 12:43:34 CET


On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 10:14:13PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Sorry - it was me: You, Christoph, Grisu and me are exactly 4. It
> was my inability to count in the early morning hours when I wrote my
> last mail ... ;-)

Ok, Christoph isn't sure yet, but Bob seems to have time and if we're
are lucky and Sven can also come, we're six and everyone has enough
sparetime to have a look around the conference and expo.

> > I could also bring instead a Hamstation 5 (Sparc Clone), which is
> > planned to get a Debian installed on it, but I never installed a new
> > OS on Sparc hardware before, so I don't know, if that would be a good
> > idea, because we may run into (obviously not so) unexpected trouble.
> We have joy, we have fun, we have Linux on our Sun. ;-)


> I installed Debian twice on Sparc machines (one via netboot and one via
> CD). Just let's give the new debian-installer a chance (or let people
> see that Debian people are brave enough to fight problems. ;-)

No more sentences necessary. My Hamstation will be in Luxembourg in
one and a half week. ;-)

> > Also the monitor for that pizza box is not very handy (an old 19" CRT
> > with about 35kg *uff*).
> That might be a reason but the box I tried first did not even had
> a graphics card - just a serial cable to connect via seyon...

Never worked with that on a Sun either. But if it suffices... Do I
have to configure anything before being able to use the serial
console? (Although, thar 19" CRT is also quite impressive because
big... ;-)

> > Maybe Christoph can bring his DEC Alpha, IIRC it was also at the
> > Debian Booth at LK two weeks ago...
> Not bad.

Not yet sure. But we'll have my Hamstation and perhaps my PII-400...

> > I guess, an OpenZaurus doesn't count as Debian. ;-)
> Why not? :)

Because it doesn't have dpkg on it, just ipkg? ;-)

> > What about t-shirts? IIRC Grisu is the Debian t-shirt specialist. ;-)
> Perhaps AMU is another T-Shirt specialist?

Maybe. Will he come?

P.S.: Sorry, I know there are more mails with newer news, but I had
some connection problems shortly before I wanted to send that mail, so
here it is anyway.

                Regards, Axel

Axel Beckert - -
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