I hope I miss nothing. Please check the open Tasks, if you can help..
Open Task:
- content of the CD
- DVD? (have someone a burner?)
- somebody who work on the posters
- other artwork
- request: talk/booth-show: debian package building
- when make we the debian day? Th? Fr?
1. Do we want to have a booth?
1.1 What do we want to demonstrate?
+ As shows at the booth:
+ SE Debian (Russell Coker)
+ -> the Visitors can try to break in
+ -> Russell will demonstrate the operation of SE Linux
+ once or twice a day depending on demand.
+ the install of debian
+ -> Joerg Jaspert
+ maybe a live show with some DAU-Visitors
+ Thimo Neubauer (Debian on Laptops) 1 h
+ The Package-Managment (Michael Bramer) (maybe)
1.2 How are we going to solve the staff-visitor ratio (so it's
less than 10 Debian people for one visitor).
1.3 Who will be around?
+ Roland Rosenfel We-Su
+ Michael Bramer We-Su DE 52 Düren
+ (Jan-Hendrik Pal on the Linux-Porting-Booth)
+ Eduard Bloch Sa(afternoon)-Su
+ Joerg Jaspert (We-So) 36 Fulda
+ Thimo Neubauer (We-So)
+ Andreas Fuchs AT
+ Andreas Tille DE
+ Christoph Baumann DE
+ Martin Michlmayr AT
+ Michael Holzt DE 58 Kierspe
+ Michael Meskes DE 41 Erkelenz
+ Russell Coker AU
1.4 What kind of hardware will be required?
+ need:
+ Russell Coker: any sort of x86 box, 16M, 4G hd
+ -> Solved
+ beamer (white wall + space)
+ if we will make some shows, we must make this at our
+ booth!
+ maybe: some mounting platform
1.4.1 What about hardware that we don't own?
+ need:
+ Monitors! (if we use the beamer, we have enough Monitors)
1.4.2 Shall we create large signs (posters) to explain that it
is not a conventional PC which is running the OS in
front of the visitor?
1.5 Who is going to provide which hardware?
+ Roland Rosenfel (AlphaStation 200 4/166) _without_ Monitor
+ Joerg Jaspert (2 i386 Systems) with Monitors
+ Thimo Neubauer (portable beamer)
+ maybe: Jens Schmalzing (Power Macintosh 7200/90 from Munich)
1.6 What about CD's?
+ last year: 7.200 with about 1.000 reserved for our sponsors
+ (thanks joey)
1.6.1 What ought to be on the CD?
Remember, there's Knoppix <http://www.knoppix.de/> as well.
1.6.2 Who is going to master the CD?
+ Stefan Gybas can master a debian-knoppix
+ Joerg Jaspert start mastering a woody cd
1.6.3 Who is going to help with mastering?
1.6.4 Who is going to make test installations etc?
1.6.5 Who will negotiate with a press company etc.?
1.6.6 Who will acquire donations and negotiate with sponsors?
+ grisu mail some mails...
1.7 Who is going to plan the booth, including size requirements,
furniture, computers etc.
+ time table about the debian day
+ time table about shows (a big clock?)
+ posters
+ - World-Map
+ -> someone should check if we have new coordinates...
+ - general infos
+ - posters from a cluster (from Thimo Neubauer)
+ - old posters: http://cvs.infodrom.org/goodies/posters/?cvsroot=debian
+ - if someone can update this source, maybe joey can print it
+ - Thimo Neubauer can print some posters
+ plan the layout by Thimo Neubauer
1.8 Anything else?[1]
2. Do we want to have a conference of our own?
2.1 Who will give a talk about what topic?
+ maybe Martin Michlmay (NewMaintainer) 1 h
+ Russell Coker (SE Debian) 1-2 h
+ Michael Bramer (translated Descriptions) 1 h
+ ?? Thimo Neubauer (Debian on Laptops) 1 h
2.2 How and where should it be promoted?
+ dwn
+ debian-user-german
+ 2.3 Which day make we the DebianDay ?
+ 4.0 Transport trouble:
+ Joerg Jaspert from Fulda/Hessen/Germany
+ 5.0 jfyi:
+ gym hall for sleep
[1] I'll take flyers and mugs with me. We're going to have some 50
general Debian-oriented t-shirts and I'd like to have special
Debian/Woody t-shirts, so creative people should give a helping
+ some old t-shirts (Michael Bramer)
+ need: some artwork!
-- Michael Bramer - a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debsupport.de PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org -- Linux Sysadmin -- Use Debian Linux Free Software is like sex: You don't know what's it like until you've tried it.
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