Out of Business for a week

Subject: Out of Business for a week
From: Alexander Reelsen (ar@rhwd.net)
Date: Sat Jun 17 2000 - 14:35:10 CEST


I'm out of business for a week, without any internet connection I assume.
Everything important, what is meant for me, can be written to Othmar.

The main problems are the following and I hope you will eliminate them in
the next week.
1. The flyers, seems to go on now, I think they will look pretty nice and
   be finished soon. So this is a minor problem.
2. The monitor problem. Othmar, could you create a list, who can bring up
   monitors? Count and compare them to the number of pcs...

Goswin, bring that laptop with you (15" sounds nice :)), the p200 would be
fine for showing some 'standard' applications under X, and a local mirror
is also not bad.
Please recheck someone, if he can take goswin by car to Stuttgart, we need
the 2 monitors, it seems.

MfG/Regards, Alexander

Alexander Reelsen   http://joker.rhwd.de
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