Re: Linuxtag

Subject: Re: Linuxtag
From: Christian Kurz (
Date: Fri Mar 31 2000 - 07:44:44 CEST

[Once Again, No extra Ccs for me.]

On 00-03-30 Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> > I think he meant that debian will have it' own booth and so debian does
> > not need to be present at other boothes.

> in the end: how many volunters are there, and what do they want to do ?

I think it will be more then enough to fill at least three booths and
maybe some more as Joey expects. You remember how many developers we had
last year at the Linuxtag?

> of course there is a big croud of people forming a massive debian both.
> but a croud of people is a nice meeting place for debian developers and
> friends, but its not a good representative for the outside.

Exactly and that's why we should try to make cooperations with our
"partners" and so try to hold the number of people at every booth a bit
down, so that those boothes are reprensetative and that the visitors
have a chance to see debian and ask questions.

> and for company booths, they might not be soo happy with even a small
> croud of people standing around their both (usualy designed for good
> marketing).

Well, for me it seems like Michael would have absolutely no problem
with this but instead would be happy.

> IMO not every good debian coder makes a good marketing representative.
> or at least it's kind a difference of being the debian representative at
> some companies both than being on of the people in the big debian party
> called debian both.

Right, but as I said above we can't have every debian coder/developer
at the debian booth as then the visitors will have no big chance to
look at debian. I think you remember how overfilled last year the debian
booth was. I think we should have this again such an overfilled booth.

> so, offers of companies are great, but we need to know who is willing to
> be such a debian representative at some companies marketing both. and
> if we have more offers than people willing to help, then we cannot accept
> all offers.

Well, Michael offered such a position and the booth of his firm creadata
(Hopefully spelled it right. :) and I accepted it. We will meet in the
near future and then discuss the details about how we can integrate
debian in the booth and make it like unit and not like "Hey this company
gave us some booth." And as Michael is also a Debian Developer I think
this will be no real problem.

> > Well, I think on the one hand it would be nice to have one booth where
> > everybody can talk with each other. But on the other hand, we would
> > have an overfilled booth where the visitors don't see debian and also
> > to many developers will be talking with each other then presenting
> > debian.

> one "debian party both" and one representative debian both ?

No, but one "debian booth" as last year, where debian has it's own
booth. And some debian booth and our partners to show our cooperations
and make sure that those booths and especially the debian one don't get

> with the results of last year, i realy would like some sort of a
> "hackcenter" for everyone, and it could have a bigger debian population.
> that would be the place for debian developers to meet, hang out and party.

As Joey said, this will not be possible and if we would like to have
such an event, we should organize it.

[deleted the rest as not possible.]


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