Re: Stand auf dem Linux Kongress (fwd)

Othmar Pasteka (
Tue, 24 Aug 1999 01:06:06 +0200


> One more idea I had of what we could demo is a more-or-less complete
> production cycle of turning a simple Debian base system into a Webserver:
> Installing apache/boa/whatever, designing the content (BlueFish/Galway?),
> designing decor elements ( know what ;-), creating animated
> gifs (whirlgif etc), connecting to a mySQL database etc..though I don't
> know very much about the latter :-}), maybe also creating a News system
> a la slashdot with a package like "Edcom" (not packetized for Debian
> yet, *hint*

sounds fine. the server point shouldn't be that difficult. but with the
rest i am a bit sceptical because i don't deal very much with graphics
nor i have time doing so and other poeple on the list i don't know there
capabilities in these areas. and databases, uh, well, dunno. but to be
pure gpl, we should use postgresql (or posgresql? i don't know)
hmm, yes, at a first glance edcom is also what i am looking for in the
office, so i could test it there both for the booth and for work :).

so long

PS: frank: do you have some other urls for such news systems? thanks in
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