Re: CDs

Othmar Pasteka (
Sun, 22 Aug 1999 00:19:23 +0200


On Sun, Aug 15, 1999 at 10:56:20AM +0100, James Troup wrote:
> Will someone be organising CDs to give away? At the UKUUG (which was
> a much smaller event), the free CDs went down a treat (even if Alan
> did insist on calling it the ``Debian warez party'' :). I can
> contribute a reasonable amount of (~100) CDs (I doubt I'll be able to
> carry anymore...), if it would help.

are these full slink releases? or what are they featuring?
are those r0/1/2 images? but 100 cds will be out in about 1 hour or so
;). anyone knows about someone who could sponsor burning loads of cds?
to provide a reasonable number of give-away cds.

so long
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