[LT Infomail#3] Workshops, Descriptions, Sleeping

From: Martin Schulze <joey@linuxtag.org>
Date: Mon May 16 2005 - 06:52:32 CEST

[ available in a couple of hours ]

1. Workshops and Beamers

   Similar to the years before we have the opportunity to use two so
   called workshop rooms for a projects to projects or developer to
   developer program. We can use both rooms that should have place for
   50-80 people during all four days. Currently there are many free
   [1]slots on all days so you can still register a [2]talk, workshop,
   bof session etc. on any day.

   1. http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/events/LinuxTag2005/workshops.php3
   2. http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/events/LinuxTag2005/faq.html#talk

   The main purpose for these rooms is to provide attending projects
   an opportunity to talk to other developers (not necessarily from
   the same project) and to go into detail for a larger group than
   what would be possible at the booth. This year it is even planned
   to import the schedule on www.linuxtag.org, so the schedule will be
   announced more widely.

   However, we have gotton the rooms as they are, which means that
   there will be chairs and a silver screen inside, but no video
   projector (beamer) and probably no internet connection. We may get
   access to the internet via WLAN, though.

   With regards to the video projector we need your help. Two projectors
   are needed for the entire time. They will be locked away in the
   LinuxTag office during the night and somebody will watch it during
   the day when they are moderating the talks. If you can offer one
   or two video projectors for these rooms, please let me know.

2. Descriptions

   Still not all projects have written a description for the project
   they want to demonstrate during LinuxTag. Without a description and
   without booth plans, there won't be a booth. Also, we cannot
   mention such projects in printed documentation. Although the
   deadline for the exhibition journal has passed already, there are
   still other publications where exhibiting projects will be listed.

   Please fix this if you haven't done so already. As a general rule,
   without a description your project won't be listed in the
   [3]online [4]listing.

   3. http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/events/LinuxTag2005/projects.php3
   4. http://www.linuxtag.org/typo3site/projects.html

3. Sleeping / AKK

   Kudos to the KaLUG we are able to use the [5]AKK again to provide
   crash space for geeks. In order to calculate the space properly and
   since only a limited number of people can sleep there, we need to
   organise this a bit.

   5. http://www.akk.org/

   Hence, please write "AKK" as Nightspace when you want to stay in
   the AKK. Currently there are some developers who haven't entered
   anything in this field yet.

Best wishes,

Received on Mon, 16 May 2005 06:52:32 +0200 (CEST)

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