Free Software Knoppix 3.7 released

From: Sascha Wilde <>
Date: Sat Jan 22 2005 - 18:07:59 CET

Hello *,

I'm happy to announce the release of Free Software Knoppix 3.7.
The free Live GNU/Linux CD is now based on the most resent
Knoppix 3.7.

Still lacking ftp space we can't provide iso-images yet, but you can
find full documentation how to build your copy here:

As allways the howto is accompanied by ready to run scripts, which
will perform all necessary steps and provide some customization of the
artwork. So after downloading the Knoppix 3.7 iso-image and fetching
our scripts you can get a 100% free Live GNU/Linux CD within
minutes. :-)

If you find any bugs, which are not original Knoppix bugs, please
report them to me. Most important: if you find any Freedom-bugs --
that is, non-free software left still on the CD -- I would like to


Sascha Wilde                                 Intevation GmbH                   

Received on Sat Jan 22 18:08:31 2005

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