[LT Infomail#10] Workshops, Power, Network, Security, Party

From: Martin Schulze <joey@linuxtag.org>
Date: Thu Jun 16 2005 - 20:15:09 CEST

[ available in a couple of hours ]

1. Workshops and BoF Sessions

   The workshop (and community forum) schedule is pretty much filled
   up already, so if you would like to give a talk, presentation,
   workshop, which is not yet scheduled, please get in touch with Joey
   as soon as possible so a slot can be reserved for you.

   This year we are in the fortunate position to maintain more rooms
   than during past events. As a result, there is still a chance to
   register a room during LinuxTag for a BoF session or a meeting that
   doesn't require any technical support. Please meet Joey in the
   LinuxTag office for negotiations if you need one room.

2. Power and Internet Connectivity

   Power will be provided by LinuxTag and KMK for the projects booths.
   Internet connectivity will be provided by Schlund + Partner,
   LinuxTag and INKA. WLAN connectivity will be provided by Saxonia
   and INKA. You don't have to worry about these.

   However, you'll need to take enough extension cords and power
   multiplier sockets with you. We cannot provide them in a proper
   number for all projects. Please be advised to take long network
   cables with you (see below). You will also need some switches for
   hte inner-booth network.

   If you use a cable drum for distributing power, please make sure
   not to connect any computers or monitors to it unless you've pulled
   off the entire cable. Otherwise you will probably learn about the
   magic of electricity when things blow up. By the way, I would like
   this not to happen.

3. Network Gartenhalle

   We will build a terrestrial network[1] in the Gartenhalle again.
   The network will be set up on Tuesday. We will place a few switches
   in the exhibition area to which the projects can connect their own
   booth network. You should be prepared to use a long cable (10-20m)
   to connect to the semi-central switch or to the neighbour booth.

   1. http://hydra.hq.linuxtag.net/~joey/LT2005/network.png

   For Arch Linux, OHR and Asterisk, a 5-10m cable should suffice.
   OfficeProductivity does not need a long cable. For all others,
   please take such a cable with you, even if it may turn out that it
   isn't needed later.

   Every booth will get a /24 network of RFC 1918 addresses with which
   you can do whatever you want. We will not provide a global DHCP
   service. If you use DHCP on your own booth, plese ensure that you
   don't accidently connect other booths by providing addresses for
   random devices.

   You'll get the address block in the exhibition office.

4. Network Stadthalle

   We will also provide a terrestrial network with similar conditions
   for the exhibition in the Stadthalle (conference center). Long
   cables are mandatory as well. However, for this building I don't
   have an exact plan yet. If somebody could provide us with some 80m
   or 100m cables, that would help a lot.

   Every booth will get a /24 network of RFC 1918 addresses with which
   you can do whatever you want. We will not provide a global DHCP
   service. If you use DHCP on your own booth, plese ensure that you
   don't accidently connect other booths by providing addresses for
   random devices.

   You'll get the address block in the exhibition office.

5. Internet Security

   Please don't use any unencrypted network protocol with personalised
   passwords that are transfered in plain text. If you do so, you'd
   better consider your accound compromised during LinuxTag. This is
   only a warning. LinuxTag e.V. can not be held responsible for
   abused accounts, especially not if the corresponding password was
   blowed through the network unencrypted. On other events, plaintext
   passwords found on the wire are projected to a wall.

6. KaLUG Party

   Don't forget the KaLUG Party which will take place on Thursday
   evening at the AKK after the show. Most projects booth personnel,
   and many people from the community will attend. I have created a
   small map[2] for you to find out how to get there from LinuxTag.
   The KaLUG will serve food and fluids at cost price. It will be
   organised open air, so good weather is guaranteed.

   2. http://hydra.hq.linuxtag.net/~joey/LT2005/akk.ps

Best wishes,

Received on Thu, 16 Jun 2005 20:15:09 +0200 (CEST)

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