[LT Infomail#5] Booth Plans, Fees, Posters

From: Martin Schulze <joey@linuxtag.org>
Date: Wed May 25 2005 - 13:16:59 CEST

[ available in a couple of hours ]

1. Booth Plans

   I need to make final booth arrangements at the upcoming weekend.
   Hence, if you haven't provided a description for your project and
   haven't noted anything that boils down to what you want to
   demonstrate at the booth and how, I cannot provide a booth as I
   cannot guarantee the visitor that there will be a proper
   presentation. Friday afternoon would be the last chance for
   anything. At 6 p.m. the gavel bangs.

2. Fees

   It has come to my attention that a lot of people haven't noticed
   yet that LinuxTag requires an admission fee this year which cannot
   be bypassed by registering through the website. The prices (one day
   EUR 15, two days EUR 25, all days EUR 35) are listed on the
   [1]LinuxTag site accompanied by an official explanation.

   1. http://www.linuxtag.org/typo3site/eintritt.html

   The exhibitor passes for project booth members will continue to be
   free of cost (or at least that's what Joey is trying to achieve one
   way or another). However, the exhibitor passes are not meant as an
   excuse for regular visitors to save the entrance fee. Please don't
   abuse this and don't add random visitors as booth staff if they
   don't actually belong to your booth. I've already fought a fight
   against a special fee for project members, so please don't let me

3. Posters

   In order to build a well organised and informative booth, please
   don't only prepare to dump machines and monitors at the booth.
   Instead think about how you could serve the visitors best by
   setting up an informative booth where they can get all information
   they're seeking.

   One way to improve the quality of your booth is to use large
   posters on which the visitors are informed about the contents of
   the booth. This requires a bit of organisation and time before the
   event but will actually pay for a well found booth. Such posters
   can easily be placed on the walls with adhesive tape.

   For printing, many universities provide a possibility to print
   large posters (A0, A1) at cost price. If you need this, you should
   try to get in touch with the computing center or the physics
   department. The printers often understand PostScript which is
   generated quite easily by LaTeX with this [2]class from Peter
   Ganten and [3]documentation by me.

   2. http://www.infodrom.org/download/fancyposter.tgz
   3. http://www.infodrom.org/download/poster.ps.gz


Received on Wed, 25 May 2005 13:16:59 +0200 (CEST)

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