[LT Infomail#2] Exhibition, Logos, Descriptions, Flyers

From: Martin Schulze <joey@linuxtag.org>
Date: Thu Apr 21 2005 - 17:21:45 CEST

[ available in a couple of hours ]

1. Exhibition Locations

   This year we are going to use the foyer of the Stadthalle, where
   most of the talks take place, more excessively than last year. This
   means that a larger number of projects will be able to present
   their work in the conference building where speace is not as
   limited as in the exhibition hall.

   The drawback, however, is that we will only have walls around the
   booths in the exhibition hall (Gartenhalle) but not in the
   conference building (Stadthalle). The advantage is that in the
   conference building space is not as limited as in the other hall.

   Since most of the talks will take place in the conference building,
   most visitors will walk through the foyer of the Stadthalle even
   before they know that it will host a part of the exhibition. When
   those, who are interested in Free Software and free projects find
   out they will go there as well, so being in the Stadthalle doesn't
   mean to be off of LinuxTag.

2. Logos

   Only very few projects have sent me logos for their projects, in
   fact only six projects, or four people, did so. This needs to be
   improved as I need at least proper high resolution graphics or your
   project won't be able to be listed with a logo in the exhibition
   journal and other printed media.

   I would like to collect two types of logos, though. The most
   important one needs to be of a high resolution and will be used for
   printed material. A lower resolution image can be used on the web,
   but I'm not sure if this will be possible this year at all.

3. Descriptions

   Please review the descriptions for your project in the projects
   frontend. A quick review has shown several bugs in them. Feel free
   to check the corrected descriptions[1] for your project which
   Karsten provided.

   1. http://hydra.hq.linuxtag.net/~joey/LT2005/projects/

4. Flyers and Posters

   Some of have probably noticed that you can now order flyers and
   posters through the web frontend. Feel free to use it. We'd be glad
   if you could distribute both flyers and posters as much as possible
   in order to gain interest for a lot of visitors who will then
   attend this year's LinuxTag and see what your projects
   demonstrates. So please don't hesitate to order 100 flyers or more
   if you can distribute them in book shops, computer stores, schools,
   universities and the like. The flyers are currently only available
   in German, though.

   You can order poster adverts for LinuxTag as well, although we will
   only send them out in one month or so since they haven't been
   printed yet. I'll note your order and will process it when they're
   out of the printing plant.


Received on Thu, 21 Apr 2005 17:21:45 +0200 (CEST)

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