JEF-Info English - Week 49 - Friday 7 December 2001
English language news and debate from the Young European Federalists
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Info A: JEF national debates on the Future of Europe
Info B: Join the Human Chain for a European Federal Constitution !
Info C: Tool Kit for lobby activities around Laeken
Info D: Laeken Summit: come to the Citizens’ Assembly 2004 !
Info E : Parliamentary Forum of the German Bundestag in favour of a
”constitutional Convention”
Info F : UEF debate on the delimitation of competences report
Info G : JEF France Congress - report
Info H : JEF Germany Congress report
Info I : European Federalists in this week’s news
Info J : New newspaper on EU affairs : ”La Semaine de l’Europe”
Info A: Come to JEF Euro-pean New Year’s Eve in Frankfurt am Main / Germany !
Info B: Training course "Introduction to Organising International Youth
Info C: Training course on co-operation between Youth Programme Countries
and Countries in South East Europe
Info D: Training workshop on the use of "information technology in youth
Info A : JEF national debates on the Future of Europe
Many JEF sections have positively answered the call to organise national,
regional and local ”youth debates on the Future of Europe”. More than 30
debates have been / will be organised until the end of December 2001
throughout Europe. Such debates are the first steps of the bold and active
involvement of JEF in the debate on the Future of Europe. Carrying the
request for a European Federal Constitution and willing to bring European
citizens into the discussion, JEF Europe has so far provided support to the
following sections:
Austria: Wien x 2
Belgium: Brussels
Bulgaria: Sofia, Plovdiv
Check-Republic: Praha
Finland: 3 events
France: Strasbourg, Paris
Germany: Berlin, Koeln, Moetzen, Siegen, Duesseldorf, Bochum
Greece: Athens, Komitini
Italy: Roma, Torino, Milano
Latvia: Riga, Ventspils
Netherlands: Rotterdam
Romania: 1 event
Russia: St. Petersburg
Sweden: Lund, Stockholm, Karlstad
UK: London, Cardiff
If your section has organised / is organising a comparable event, please
inform the European Secretariat. Some funds are still available to
financially help you organise your debate. On request, the secretariat can
also send you an ”organisational support information package” offering
some helpful tools to organise such a debate.
For more information, please contact JEF European Secretariat:
Tel: + 32 2 512 00 53
Fax: + 32 2 626 95 01
Info B: Join the Human Chain for a European Federal Constitution !
European citizens,
Organisations of civil society,
Political parties,
Elected representatives at the local, regional, national and European level,
Join the human chain
which will be organised by the Union of European Federalists in
collaboration with the Intergroup European Constitution within European
Parliament and in co-operation with the Citizens’ Assembly 2004,
on the occasion of the summit meeting of the Heads of State and Government
in Laeken,
to make your voice heard in favour of a Europe based on fundamental human
rights and on the principles of democracy, citizenship and social justice.
Participate in the Human Chain,
on Friday 14th December 2001,
fom 13.30 to 15.30
between the buildings of the Council of Ministers and the European
Parliament passing past the European Commission.
from 13.00 : Gathering at the Schuman round-about
13.30 Assembling of the human chain
13.45 Human chain in a halted position (in front of the press)
14.15 Re-gathering around the Schuman round-about
14.30 European tribune: short speeches of elected representatives at the
European, national, regional and local level and representatives of
organisations of Civil society (in front of the press)
15.15 General dismantling of the human chain
Source: Union of European Federalists
Info C : Tool Kit for lobby activities around Laeken
Dear friends, dear fellow activists
As you all know, the forthcoming European Council Summit being held
inLaeken 14-16 December is expected to launch a new political process for
the reform of the European Union. This Convention offers new possibilities
for the federalist solution to the challenges facing the EU today to be
heard. Each one of us, in our local, regional, and national sections, can
make a difference: by lobbying our political leaders, and by campaigning in
the media, to press the case for the Convention to lead to a genuine
European federal Constitution. Every small activity helps, whether it is
organising a street stall, collecting signatures, conducting a letter
writing campaign to the media and to politicians, or lobbying national
JEF Europe has prepared an Info Kit to help you organise your activities
ahead of the Laeken summit and in the weeks and months afterwards. Our
first priority must be to lobby the Heads of State and Government to give a
clear mandate to the Convention to develop a genuine federal Constitution,
but even after the Summit is over, we will need to continue our activities,
lobbying the participants in the Convention and involving public opinion in
its work. The Info Kit contains:
* Call paper for activities
* Press Release
* Draft Petition - to be addressed to your national/regional political leaders
* Media Strategy: Campaign Guide by Jeremy Hargreaves
These documents are available on the website and can be send on request by
the European Secretariat. They will also be sent to all national sections.
Please do keep us informed of your activities and any press coverage.
Good luck with your activities!
On behalf of the Executive Bureau of JEF Europe,
Alison Weston
President of JEF Europe
JEF European Secretariat
Tel: + 32 2 512 00 53
Fax: + 32 2 626 95 01
Info D : Laeken Summit: come to the Citizens’ Assembly 2004 !
+++ Citizens’ Assembly 2004 +++
13-14-15 December 2001
Théâtre du Residence Palace 155 rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels
13 December: Plenary Session
17.15 19.00: Round Table 1 Europe in the World: Globalising Social Justice
Does globalisation mean that power has permanently shifted from the hands
of governments to multi-national corporations and financiers? Should / can
globalisation be rejected? Or is another form of globalisation possible,
which moves beyond economic liberalism to encompass social and
environmental standards?
19.15 21.15: Round Table 2 A Europe for All
The European project will only succeed if it is able to reflect the hopes
and needs of all of those living within its borders. But are we building a
Europe for all? Or are some groups being excluded?
14 December 2001, morning: Workshops
‘The European Constitution’ /‘Europe: a Space for Justice and Freedom’ /
‘Europe in the World’ / Culture and European Policy’ / ‘Fighting
14 December 2001, afternoon: PLENARY SESSION
15.00 Contribution from the President of European Parliament Nicole
Fontaine (President of the European Parliament)
15.30 17.00: Round Table 3 Migration
From the Balkans to Afghanistan, mass movements of population pose
political, logistical, but most of all humanitarian problems for the world,
including for Europe. How should the EU respond: ‘Fortress Europe’ or with
open arms?
17.15 19.15: Round Table 4 The Eradication of Poverty
How can poverty and exclusion be fought within Europe and throughout the
world? Is Europe taking enough action to counter poverty within its
borders? And what role should it play in eradicating global poverty?
15 December 2001, morning: Workshops
‘Women Asylum Seekers’ / ‘Participatory Democracy’ / ‘EU Enlargement’
‘The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: What’s Next?’ / ‘Life Long Learning’
15 December 2001, afternoon: PLENARY SESSION
15.00 16.00: Cultural activities
16.00 18.00: Round Table 5 Sustainability: economic growth versus safety?
Can economic growth co-exist with environmental and social sustainability?
With the World Summit on Sustainable Development due to take place next
year, what realistic prospects are there for global action? After the
problems with Kyoto, can the EU credibly build a global alliance for
sustainability without the United States?
18.15 20.15: Round Table 6 Closing Session: The Future of Europe - Our
Agenda for 2004
Where next for the European project? How should the debate on the future of
Europe be structured? What role is there for civil society? After reviewing
the work of the Assembly, the closing session will discuss the political
challenges ahead:
A European Constitution
European solidarity and democracy
Europe’s role in securing a just globalisation
Reports from the Civil Society Assembly:
1) The European Challenges for the EU, Pier Virgilio Dastoli (Spokesman,
Permanent Forum of Civil Society)
2) The Global Challenges for the EU, Giampiero Alhadeff (President, Social
- Valery Giscard D’Estaing
- Giuliano Amato (ex-Prime Minister Italy)
- Jo Leinen (Member of the European Parliament, and President of the Union
of European Federalists)*
- Emilio Gabaglio (General Secretary, ETUC)*
- Daniel Cohn Bendit (Member of the European Parliament)*
- Helen Wallace (Professor of European Studies, University of Sussex)
- Alison Weston (President of the Young European Federalists)
Open Debate, also including interventions from :
- Guy Verhofstadt (Prime Minister, Belgium) (invited)
- Romano Prodi (President of the European Commission) (invited)
Invitation to the next European Summit from The Mayor of Seville
Source: Forum Permanent de la Société Civile:
Info E : Parliamentary Forum of the German Bundestag in favour of a
”constitutional Convention”
Last week (29.11.01) the Parliamentary Forum of the German Bundestag met to
discuss the summit of Laeken. The speaker was the Belgian ambassador, who
had just finished talks with Schroeder and Verhofstadt in order to prepare
the Laeken summit.
JEF was well represented in the forum, including Alison Weston, JEF Europe
President and three other EB-members and half of the JEF-Germany board.
Summing up the essentials of the speech and the following discussion of the
The final declaration of Laeken will consist out of 3 parts.
a) Description of the situation of the EU at the moment
[elements of this chapter could be: where does Europe stand at the moment,
where do we want to see Europe, what are the deficits of Europe, what do
the European citizens expect from Europe, …]
b) What are the challenges and what reforms are needed
[in this chapter there will be some principles on the role of the citizens
in Europe, European policy, simplify the tools of politics and finally the
debate on the competencies]
c) Officially establishing a Convention, which will deal with the questions
concerning the Future of Europe
[in this chapter they will not talk about political issues, but only about
the technical procedures concerning the Convention and especially about the
name of the head of the Convention, about the presidium, the mandate, etc.]
On the question, whether there is the possibility for the Convention to
tackle more issues than the four from Nice (simplification of the
treaties/redrafting of the treaties; clear separation/distribution of
competencies; role of national parliaments; including the Charter of
Fundamental Rights into the treaties), the Belgian ambassador answered,
that Belgium can’t be to provocative on this question. But he admitted that
these four issues are weak questions and that you can read into these
questions every European topic you would like to.
He pointed out the timetable of the debate on the Future of Europe as follows:
Laeken will raise questions,
The Convention will give options,
The IGC will decide.
Around 30 - 40 people participated in the parliamentary Forum, including
seven parliamentarians from all five major parties in Germany. Five
parliamentarians (one of each party): Michael Roth SPD, Peter Altmaier CDU,
Fr. Laeuthaeuser-Schnarrenberg FDP, Hr. Hiksch PDS and Hr. Sterzinger
Gruenen organised the Forum. They all agree on many issues concerning the
Convention and stressed, that the German government should not propose any
distinct work plan to them, but give the Convention the possibility to do
this on its own. Instead of using the phrase ”the Convention” Michael Roth
(who moderated the Forum) talked about ”a constitutional Convention”.
Unfortunately these pro-federalists parliamentarians do not yet represent
the vast majority of Europe’s politicians. Convincing the others of a
genuine European Federal Constitution will require much effort from JEF. A
contribution from all of you for the lobby-work and the campaign for a
European Federal Constitution is more than ever welcome.
Jan Kreutz
Vice-President of JEF Europe
Info G : JEF France Congress - report
JEF France held its General Assembly last week end (1-2 December) in Tours
and has renewed its national board. It is now composed of:
Aurélien BEAUJARD, President
Pierre-Philippe LACROIX, Vice-President
Anséric LEON, Vice-President
Gaël BREHERET, Secretary General
Cécile MULLER, International Secretary
Alix MASSON, Communication Officer
Thomas DELANNOY, Treasurer
Cécile Muller, International Secretary, is your new contact person for all
matters on international relations and for contacts with other JEF sections.
Source: Cecile Muller, JEF France
Info H : JEF Germany Congress report
JEF Germany held its Congress last week end (1-2 December) in Weimar.
The JEF-D board which is elected every other year had by-election. JEF
Germany board now consists of :
David Schneider-Addae-Mensah
Lutz Hager (Berlin)
Anja Huebner (Sachsen)
Jan Seifert (Schleswig-Holstein) new
Holger Grefrath (Nordrhein-Westfalen) new
Florian Rodeit (Bayern)
Susan Baumgart (Schleswig-Holstein) new
The new Federal Committee ("Bundesausschuss") is chaired by Malte Jahn
(Niedersachsen) and Sancho Kleine (Nordrhein-Westfalen) as vice-chair. -
This is of course very important for you as we are all very federal ;-)
Secretary General is still Florence (Duchene-)Lacroix in the office
("BuSek") at info@jef.de
People can be contacted via firstname.lastname@jef.de Information on the
board members can also be found on our website http://www.jef.de.The whole
board can be contacted on email: buvo@jef.de
I am replacing Jan Kreutz as national FC representative / "international
Europe united
Jan Seifert
Stellv. Bundesvorsitzender
national FC representative
Vice-President JEF-Germany
GSM +49 179 3906054
Fax +49 89 2443 36160 o. +49 30 28092894 (PCfax)
Fon +49 30 280 404 75
Info F : UEF debate on the delimitation of competences report
The Union of European Federalists (U.E.F.) organised a public debate on
Wednesday 28 November 2001, in the European Parliament in Brussels on the
topic ”A Europe of nation-states or a federal Europe?” About 150 people
took part in the discussion concerning the delimitation of competences
between the EU, the Member-States and the Regions, within the context of
the great debate on the future of Europe.
The Vice-President of the Government of the Balear Islands Pere SAMPOL I
MAS pronounced himself in favour of a Federal Europe, in which the
constitutional regions could find their place. ” The EU must promote the
cultural diversity and role of different local and regional communities to
gain the support of the citizens ” he said. Alain LAMASSOURE, MEP,
rapporteur on the division of powers, requested that the regions should
have a share in the EU legislative processes, which affect their area of
competences. In addition they should take part in the administration of EU
projects. Moreover, the regions with constitutional status should be
represented in the Council of Ministers.
”The principles which the distribution of competences should follow must be
clearly written”, said Jo LEINEN, MEP and President of the U.E.F. The
carrying out of these competences should follow national and regional
possibilities. ”The European Court of Justice has to be responsible for
the subsidiarity controls”, he additionally decreed, ”and the
constitutional regions should have a right of complaint when their rights
are being questioned.” The communal self-administration is also necessary.
He closed the debate with the statement that ”only federal systems can
produce the union of small and big states, however simultaneously allow
their diversity.”
Source: Union of European Federalists
Lucía Caudet
Tel: + 32 2 508.30.30
Info I : European Federalists in this week’s news
JEF’s and UEF’s activities and political positions have been this week
covered by the following medias:
Give a mandate to the Convention to draft a federal constitution:
Epoch-making years ahead of European federalists:
Info J : New media on EU affairs : ”La Semaine de l’Europe”
For a few months, a new bilingual magazine (french-english) offers critical
analysis of the European actuality each week. ”La Semaine de l’Europe” is
widely distributed (10.000) but sent only after subscription. Based in
Strasbourg, its redaction is completely independent from any press group.
It works in cooperation with europe2020.org and euractiv.org.
”La Semaine de l’Europe” is partly available on the web and publish a new
web edition every two days.
For a free trial of 3 weeks, check http://www.europe-semaine.com
Source: JEF European Secretariat
Info A: Come to JEF Euro-pean New Year’s Eve in Frankfurt am Main / Germany !
Come to Frankfurt to celebrate the historical moment of the introduction of
the Euro!
31 December 2001, Frankfurt am Main
Jeffers from all over Europe gather in Frankfurt on New Year's Eve to
welcome the Euro!
On the Eve of the Euro-day, Jef organises the ultimate European New Year's
Eve party. Jeffers and young Europeans coming from all over Europe will
gather in Frankfurt to celebrate together the historical moment of the
arrival of our new coins and bills.
Join them !
You will enjoy a very special new year's eve, featuring special guests and
European hits from the entire continent.
The highlight of the evening will be a big show featuring the first mix of
all 12 national series of Euro-coins. In front of a large media audience,
Jeffers will put together the 12 national series of Euro-coins into the
same pot, symbolising the European House, the European Federation. Proms
will help mix together the coins, and will make political addresses to the
audience and the press.
A very special Euro-countdown will be organised at midnight, to be the
climax of the evening. European party sounds of the last years will
accompany us until the morning of the new year. Last but not least, you
will spend your first Euros, drinks being sold for cheap prices, but in
Euro only!
FREE entrance and FREE accommodation for Jeffers and groups coming from far
away !
Please, to register, contact the European Secretariat of JEF !
Tel: + 32 2 512 00 53
Fax: + 32 2 626 95 01
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
International Euro-seminar
There are a few places left for the international seminar about the Euro,
which will take place in Frankfurt am Main at the same time. The seminar
will take place from December 27th until January 3rd.
Apply now !
The overall objective of the seminar is to show that the European youth is
supporting the Euro and to form multipliers for supporting it across
Europe. The seminar will provide the participants with a general overview
of the issue "Euro" through various lectures, several visits and exchanges
of experiences and ideas about our single currency. They will discuss how
the Euro is being accepted in each country and last but not least develop
new strategies for actions back home to ensure the acceptance of the Euro
in their respective countries. The first of these symbolical actions will
take place during the seminar itself. Furthermore, all seminar participants
will take part in the highlight of the week: the ”European New year’s Eve”.
More detailed informations about the New Year’s Eve party and the seminar
are available on JEF Europe’s web site : www.jef-europe.org.
For more information, contact JEF European Secretariat:
Marianne Bonnard
Tel: +32 2 514 01 45
Info B: Training course "Introduction to Organising International Youth
JEF can propose up to 3 candidates for this course. If you are interested,
please contact the European Secretariat before Thursday 13th December.
4-13 April 2002
European Youth Center Strasbourg
The main aim of this course is to give an introduction to the basic
concepts and practices of organising international youth activities, such
as seminars, exchanges, camps and training courses. Following the questions
of why and how to organise international youth activities, this training
course will focus on the process of preparation, and encourage reflection
on intercultural learning.
Core Objectives
*To provide a complementary European training to participants involved in
running European or international youth activities;
*To increase participants' knowledge and awareness about the basic concepts and
practices of organising youth activities with an international and/or
European dimension;
*To increase the participants' competence and motivation to introduce and
deal with intercultural learning in international and/or European youth
Profile of Participants
Participants and organising team members who are active members of
International Youth Organisations (INGYOs), National Youth Councils (NYCs),
governmental services and other partners - particularly those co-operating
with the EYC or the EYF - and who are (or intend to be) responsible for
organizing youth activities at European or international level will be
selected for this course. The following are examples of suitable
participants for this course: members of an international activity
preparatory team, youth exchange organisers or project leaders, etc.
In general, candidates should:
be aged between 18 and 30 (exceptions may be made on the basis of
justification); be actively involved in a youth organisation, preferably in
the field of international co-operation or activities, or be preparing to
take on responsibilities at an international level; be well informed about
their organisation and prepared to explain its activities to the other
participants; be able to work in one of the two working languages of the
course be committed to attend for the entire duration of the course and be
supported by their youth organisation.
Application Procedure and Selection of Participants
JEF can propose up to 3 candidates for this training course. If you are
interested, please contact the European Secretariat of JEF to receive the
application form. Candidates will be informed during February 2002 by the
Council of Europe whether they have been accepted, put on the waiting list
or refused.
Enrolment Fee, Travel, Costs of the Course and Compensation for loss of
earnings Board and lodging are provided and paid for by the Directorate of
Youth and Sport. Travel expenses and visa fees (on presentation of the
relevant receipts) are reimbursed according to Directorate of Youth and
Sport rules, similar to those applied to study sessions. Payment will be
made either by bank transfer after the course, or at the end of the course
in cash. An enrolment fee of 54 Euro per participant will be deducted from
the amount to be reimbursed for travel expenses. The Directorate of Youth
and Sport operates a system of compensation for cost of living for young
workers and young unemployed who are obliged to take unpaid leave in order
to attend one of its activities further details are sent at a later stage
to those participants accepted.
Further information about the courses of the Council of Europe can be
obtained from the Directorate of Youth and Sport Secretariat or on our web
sites www.coe.fryouth or www.eycb.hu
Source: Council of Europe Youth directorate
Info C: Training course on co-operation between Youth Programme Countries
and Countries in South East Europe
Dates & Venue
The training course will consist of two phases, phase 1 from the 17th of
March (arrival day) to the 24th of March (departure day) 2002 and phase 2
from the 21st of May (arrival day) to the 26th of May (departure day) 2002.
Both seminars will take place in Radovljica, Slovenia
- The training course should support the development of youth work in the
region of South East Europe (SEE).
- The training course should increase the quantity and quality of
multilateral co-operation projects between the region of SEE and YOUTH
programme countries.
- The training course should contribute to the development of the support
mechanism ”SEE YOUTH contact office” in Slovenia, which will ensure long
term follow up / input of the training course results.
The training course will enable 30 - 35 participants to develop YOUTH
Action 5 ”support activities”, such as training courses, seminars, contact
making seminars or study visits. The course will include training for
project development and will provide project management skills for working
in multilateral teams. It will raise awareness on different realities and
needs. The course will offer support to understand the aim of the YOUTH
programme and the possibilities to use it as well as to give information on
other support possibilities for national and international youth work with
and within the region of SEE. Finally, the participants will have the
possibility to create and / or to develop new or existing European networks
which should have a focus on international co-operation with countries from
South East Europe and should support the development of youth work in the
Target group
SALTO YOUTH will organise a training course for experienced youth workers
who are looking forward to start co-operation in the respective field.
Partners from already existing partnerships of respective area are welcome
to apply together.
- Participants should have some experience in organising support activities
for international youth work (i.e. training courses, seminars, study visits
or contact making seminars).
- Participants should have knowledge on the YOUTH programme and should have
a draft idea of an Action 5 project type mentioned above.
- Participants should have the official mandate from his / her background
organisation to develop respective projects for the period between
September 2002 and January 2003.
- Participants should participate actively in both mentioned seminars as
well as in the whole preparation and evaluation phase.
- Participants should be able to use English as a working language in order
to establish smooth communication.
- Participants should not have taken part in a training activity with
similar content, for example already offered under the Partnership
Programme between the European Commission and the Youth Directorate of the
Council of Europe.
Programme Elements
The programme will be addressing the following elements:
- Philosophy of the co-operation between YOUTH programme countries with
South East Europe countries
- Different actors in respective youth field: their roles and working
- To enable partnership and communication processes
- Quality standards of YOUTH Action 5 projects
- Role of participants as resource persons for the development of
co-operation with respective partners
- Development and management of Action 5 projects
- Working in an international and multicultural setting, taking into
account different needs and realities
- Application - and Funding procedure of Action 5
- Other support possibilities for national and international co-operation
Participation Fee
A participation fee of 50 Euro will be payable once selected. Travel costs
will be reimbursed and board and lodging will be provided by the course
Application procedure , Deadlines & Time frame
Candidates from SEE countries should send their applications to
SALTO@JUGEND fuer Europa, mailto:teichmann@jfemail.de (if email is not
available please send to Heussalle 30, 53113 Bonn, Germany).
Candidates from YOUTH programme countries should send their application to
their National Agency of the YOUTH programme.
The application form should contain support letters from the background
organisations, which should include the official mandate for the candidates
to develop respective projects for the period between September 2002 and
January 2003. Do not hesitate to contact JEF Europe if you need support.
Deadline to send the application form to your National Agency or SALTO is
the 20th of January 2002. You will be informed by your National Agency or
SALTO about the results of the selection procedure by the 15th of February
Source: SALTO YOUTH Agency
For further information, please go to http://salto-youth.net .
Info D: Training course on co-operation between Youth Programme Countries
and Countries in South East Europe
The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and the Asian Youth Council organise a
training workshop on the use of "Information technology in youth
organisations" that will take place in Malaysia in March 2002. The European
Youth Forum works closely with these partners to develop youth co-operation
between Europe and Asia. This seminar is open to participants from the
Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) countries which means those countries that take
part in this special form of international co-operation. In Europe the
members of ASEM are the members of the fifteen European Union countries.
ASEF is funded by the European Union and as such is able to provide
financial assistance (300 US dollars and food and accommodation) to
participants from the European Union.
For information on this seminar do not hesitate to contact the Asian Youth
Council: Mr Salehudin Ghazali, Secretary-General, Asian Youth Council,
International Youth Centre, Jalan Yacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak, Cheras,
56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tel : (+60-3) 91 71 73 73,
Fax : (+60-3) 91 71 67 00, Email: sallehayc@pd.jaring.my or
For more general information please contact Christopher Williams at the
Youth Forum Secretariat (christopher.williams@youthforum.org).
Source: European Youth Forum
Please, inform us of your events, mailto:JEF-info.English@jef.de
* 13-14-15, Brussels/Belgium, Citizen’s Assembly 2004, ”Europe is our
Future”, http://www.europeanmovement.org
* 14, Human Chain for a European Federal Constitution, Bruxelles,
* 14-15, Laeken/Brussels/Belgium, Meeting of the European Council
* 27-03.01.2002 Frankfurt/Germany, JEF International seminar and JEF New
Year Party for the birth of the Euro http://www.jef-europe.org
* 25-27, Berlin, week end seminar "Follow up of the European Council in Laeken"
* 17-24, Hungary, international seminar
The English language version of JEF-Info is published by JEF-Europe.
Only comments and information not signed or signed JEF-Europe or
JEF-Secretariat or represent an official opinion or official information of
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