"klogd -i" needed for 2.6 kernels?

From: J�rg Rebenstorf <Joerg.Rebenstorf_at_GiN.de>
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2011 15:08:09 +0100

There is a patch called "modutils.patch" for modprobe and insmod
included in the 1.5 release of sysklogd which was probably intended for
the modutils-2.0.0 package.

This patch adds calls to "klogd -i" to the insmod and modprobe utilities
in order to inform klogd that new kernel modules were loaded so that
klogd will read their symbol information.

Is this patch needed at all for kernels that offer the /proc/kallsyms
interface? If not, up to which kernel version is this patch recommended?
Also if not, how is this "klogd -i" (and SIGUSR1/SIGUSR2) symbol update
mechanism replaced today by another mechanism?

I cannot find any hint in the documentation or on the mailing list.


Received on Fri Dec 09 2011 - 15:08:09 CET

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