[BCC'ed to all debian.ch members & DPL]
Dear all,
This is your invitation to the General Meeting of the `debian.ch'
association which will be held in Zurich at the CCC Hackerspace:
Location: CCC Hackerspace, Zurich [1]
Time: Saturday 2016-02-13 18:00 CEST
The debian.ch GM will be followed by the traditional fondue! Please
register your planned attendance for the GM and the fondue in the
following poll:
We are looking for someone to organzie the fondue. We need some
caquelons, fondue forks and someone to buy the fondue cheese and wine.
If you want the fondue to happen and are willing to help organize,
contact board_at_debian.ch.
The prospective agenda for the GM is as follows; please send any
modification proposals to board_at_debian.ch.
debian.ch Annual General Meeting
* Greetings
* Ratification of the minutes of the AGM 2015 (attached to this mail)
* Reports from the board
* Discharge of the board
* Approval of new members
(no new members applied since the last AGM so far)
* Board election
* Varia
See you there!
On behalf of the board,
Gaudenz Steinlin
secretary of debian.ch
[1] https://www.ccczh.ch/Hackerspace/
Hash: SHA512
Presence: Didier Raboud, Philipp Hug, Gaudenz Steinlin (minutes), Axel Beckert, Elmar Heeb,
Michele Cane
Date: January 31, 2014, 17:30
* Greetings
Voting Members: 6
* Ratification of the minutes of the AGM 2014 (attached to this mail)
Agreed: 6
* Reports from the Board
** President (Didier Raboud)
- debian.ch is now explicited accepted as an official Debian Trusted Organization.
- merchandise sales of ~3000 CHF, mostly at FOSDEM
- regular Debian meetup in Zurich, first Tuesday each month
** Treasurer (Philipp Hug)
- The financial statement is presented by Philipp and will be attached to these minutes.
- The debconf13 association is still in liquidation. As soon as the taxes are billed and payed
the remaining funds will be transfered to debian.ch
- ~5000 CHF in assets mostly knives and some umbrellas, the stock is at Didier Raboud and
Axel Beckert
- We want to get a "Vereinsadresse" to put on the Website instead of Gaudenz's personal address
and the mail should be redirected to Philipp Hug.
Agreed: 5
Abstain: 1
* Discharge of the Board
Agreed: 3
Abstain: 3
* Board elections
Candidates: Didier Raboud, Philipp Hug, Gaudenz Steinlin
Agreed: 3
Abstain: 3
* Approval of new members
Steve-David Marguet, sponsored by Didier Raboud
Agreed: 6
* Varia
- Proposal for bylaw changes in 2016:
- Purpose (2.2), limited to .ch and .li should be dropped
- Drop article 4 about sponsors and patrons
- Philipp propses these changes for the AGM 2016
- small (5-10 CHF) membership fee to make sure people are still interested
- AGM 2016
Date: 2016-02-13 (Saturday) probably in Zurich at the CCC hackspace
Version: GnuPG v1
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.2.0 : Sun Jan 31 2016 - 00:24:56 CET