Hi all,
this is the announcement of the AGM 2010 of debian.ch:
Date: Thursday, 20th May 2010
Time: 20:00-21:00 (CEST aka +0200)
Place: irc://irc.debian.org/debian.ch (OFTC)
Current (temporary) Agenda
Apart from the anually re-occuring things from every AGM (e.g. the
reports and elections[0]), the current temporary agenda contains the
following additional items:
- dba: Updating bylaws to current state of the art of legal writing
The actuary proposes a new edition of the bylaws that are worded in
the current lege artis, a longer mail with the diffs should be sent
to community_at_lists.debian.ch before the final announcement of the
AGM 2010. The proposed new bylaws will not change anything in
substance though.
- dba: Accepting bylaws translated to English as legally binding
The actuary is doing a translation of the proposed new bylaws
from German to English. Assuming the revised bylaws are accepted,
he proposes to accept the English translation as legally binding
alternative to the German ones. The translation should be sent
to the mailinglist together with the revised bylaws (see above).
Italian and French translations could be initiated after AGM 2010,
assuming a qualified person can be found to create the translations,
they could be declared as legally binding as well. Otherwise, they
would stay as informal and unofficial translations for the time
being (Luca and Didier already expressed their interest in probably
doing that during AGM 2009).
- dba: Changing the legal seat from Zurich to Bern.
The actuary proposes to move the legal seat from Zurich to Bern,
both for legal and political reasons.
- dba: Write down in the protocol the reminder, that bylaws should be
kept 'stable' for the next future, by not being tempted to put
non-useful/non-required stuff inside.
- mfk: revise membership:
+ membership should only be automatic for DDs with permanent
residence in Switzerland
+ other DDs, and non-DDs with advocations, need to show up at the
AGM when their membership is to be decided and introduce
themselves, travel will (better: can) be funded.
- mfk/ip(?): voluntary membership fee
Note about submitting items for the Agenda
Any member of debian.ch can submit items for the agenda either at
anytime in advance, or at the AGM itself. However, all items of
relevance must be announced properly, items of relevance brought up at
the AGM cannot valid be voted upon. The deadline for items of relevance
for the AGM 2010 is 2010-05-05 23:59:59 +0200.
Any non-member of debian.ch cannot directly submit items to the agenda,
but indirectly by suggesting them to the actuary at info_at_debian.ch or
any other member instead.
Final Agenda
The final agenda for the AGM 2010 will be sent on 2010-06-06.
[0] unless someone is extraordinarily stepping back from the board,
there will be no elections on AGM 2010 since we've done elections
for 2010 already on AGM 2009.
-- Address: Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist Email: daniel.baumann_at_panthera-systems.net Internet: http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/ -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-events-eu-REQUEST_at_lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster_at_lists.debian.org Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4BD5A2B0.2090702@debian.orgReceived on Mon Apr 26 2010 - 16:27:23 CEST
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