Hi there!
I cc:ed Kevin Mark and Michael Casadevall since I have used their
material. Guys, there are questions for you below ;-)
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 17:15:45 +0100, Luca Capello wrote:
> Going back to the organization, I have added some points to the wiki
> page at <http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEventsDe/2010/OpenExpo>:
> 2) I have a poster (A0, I think), bought a long time ago and based on a
> design by Ayo, ayo-debian_affiche_v5a_small.png at
> <http://73lab2.free.fr/debian_posters/>
> I can bring it, but since there is the possibility to have a free
> poster thanks to the organizers, I will suggest to print a different
> one, but based on which design? Should this be a general Debian
> poster or something different?
> I can take care of this item, but before starting to work on a design
> I would like other opinions...
An attempt is available at:
It is basically the work of Kevin Mark, S. Müller, M. Schulze, G. von
Brederlow, M. Krafft, F. Küster and J. Mouette back in 2005. The
original image is available at:
Kevin Mark publicly linked it on two occasions in January 2009, in
chronological order:
I simply removed the written title in the upper part of the image, since
it was not clearly visible.
Kevin (or any other author above): which license does it apply to your
image? And do you have any SVG or other vector version available?
Michael: I have included a copy of your blog post on my people.d.o space
above, is it OK for you?
I would add that even if this is maybe not anymore the situation, the
graph is representative of all the Debian "packaging" world and it
should be a very good reading on an A0 poster. Am I too naif?
Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca
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