Belated BBQ thanks

From: Steve McIntyre <>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 21:07:16 +0100

Hi folks,

Thanks to all the people who turned up the weekend before last and
helped to make it great fun for us all! And also thanks to a great
bunch of people for sponsoring some of the food and drink:

 * Rob McQueen from Collabora for providing 3 barrels of beer from
   Milton Brewery;

 * Martin Brooks from AntibodyMX for bringing along a big stack of
   food for us;

 * Andy Simpkins for chipping in for a *big* lump of dead cow to go on
   the BBQ on the Saturday;

 * Dan Alderman for donating to the food funds even despite being
   unable to come along himself.

Cheers, guys!

All in all, there was a small surplus (GBP 15) from the BBQ after we
covered the shopping from the donations and what people paid in, so
(as per normal) I'm putting that into Debian UK.

I hope to see even more of you next year!

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
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