We've been given a booth at this year's FrOSCon (Free and OpenSource
Conference) in St. Augustin (near Bonn), Germany on 22.+23. August. I'm
volunteering to organize the booth but, obviously, I cannot run the
booth on my on. So, I'm looking for people (you!) to help out.
What do we need?
* people to staff the booth:
You do not have to be a Debian Developer to help out - some interest
in Debian and the ability to answer questions (or redirect people to
someone who might know) is all that's required. Please use the wiki
page [1] to register yourself as a booth member. We'll get a couple
of free tickets for booth members.
I expect a lot of interesting talks to take place, so having a couple
of people available at all times would be a good thing to be able to
let people attend some talks as well.
* hardware:
Please see the wiki page [1] for a list of stuff we need and insert
your name if you are able to provide some of it.
* CDs?
We did not offer any CDs the years before (afaik). However, if
someone would like to volunteer to take care of that, feel free to
discuss it in this thread.
If you've got further ideas, comments or questions, please reply to this
Please see the FrOSCon website [2] for more information about the
Looking forward to see some of you at the conference!
[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEventsDe/2009/FrOSCon
[2] http://froscon.org/
-- Sebastian "tokkee" Harl +++ GnuPG-ID: 0x8501C7FC +++ http://tokkee.org/ Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -- Benjamin Franklin
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