Re: New event OpenRheinRuhr

From: Arne Wichmann <>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 11:50:12 +0100

begin quotation from Karsten Jaeger (in <>):
> we are proud to announce a new event for free software in the most
> populous region in Europe.
> Name: OpenRheinRuhr
> Date: 7./8. Nov 2009
> Place: Saalbau Bottrop
> The Debian booth-staff at Cebit asked me to bring this up here.
> We're still working on a more formal call for projects but if you're
> interested in organzing a debian presence at OpenRheinRuhr feel free to
> email anytime.
> For more information please visite our website
> (currently only in
> german and still under construction) or write an email to

Hm. I would be willing to man a booth there, if somebody more local
organizes it.



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Arne Wichmann (

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