Re: small Linuxtag review [was: Re: Debian at the Linuxtag 2008 (2008-05-28 to -31, Berlin, Germany)]

From: Stefan Hornburg (Racke) <>
Date: Sat, 07 Jun 2008 16:00:55 +0200

Marko Jung wrote:
> Hi.
> Noèl Köthe schrieb:
>> Thanks alot to Bastian, Nico, Paul, Ralf, Roland, Thomas and the people
>> I forgot for their help running the booth!
> I would also like to thank you for staffing and organizing the booth - you all
> did a great job!
> Save the date: LinuxTag 2009 will take place May, 24th-27th 2009 in Berlin.

it's June 2009, which makes more sense to me (We-Sa).

> As organizers we get quite some questions why there is no Debian related
> track beneath the other distros (FUDCon, openSUSE-Day, ubuntu love day) in our
> schedule. So probably we can organize together a Debian day for next year. If
> someone of you is interested in helping us with this, drop me a few lines. The
> preparations for next year have already started.

This year there was a lack of speakers. But planning early could help there.

Marko (and the whole team), thanks very much for the terrific job on
running LinuxTag.


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