Bug Squashing Party, 19-20 April 2008, Dijon, France

From: J�r�my Bobbio <lunar_at_debian.org>
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 11:19:28 +0100


After the success of the previous Bug Squashing Party held in Dijon,
last September, we agreed that it would be a good thing to have another
one before the release of Lenny.

Well… it will happen between the 19th and 20th of April, 2008. :)

If you want to read more pratical informations or subscribe, please
visit the wiki: http://wiki.debian.org/TanneriesBSP

There is 468 release critical bugs affecting Lenny at the moment, so,
without a doubt, we will have work to do. :)


Jérémy Bobbio                        .''`. 
lunar_at_debian.org                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 

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