Bug Squashing Party in Zurich: 12/13 January 2008

From: G�rkan Seng�n <gurkan_at_linuks.mine.nu>
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2008 00:19:17 +0100

************************* [ sponsors ] ****************************
Transport and catering for this event is graciously made
possible by our sponsors:

ID ETH Zurich [http://www.id.ethz.ch]

Google [http://www.google.com]

The room and infrastructure are made available to us by the
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the University of Z�rich


It is a pleasure to announce the first Debian Bug Squashing
Party of 2008 in Zurich, Switzerland [0].

0. http://wiki.debian.org/BSP/ch/2008-01

The BSP will take place on Saturday, 12 January 2008 to 13 January 2008
in the cluster room of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in

We start at 10:00 in the morning and end, well, who knows when
or where.

Details are available on the Wiki [0]. Please add your name to the
attendees list if you plan to attend. Make sure to read the rest of
the page too!

There is still travel sponsorship funds available. If you want to attend,
write to madduck_at_debian.org. We may be able to pay for your transportation.


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Received on Wed Jan 09 2008 - 00:54:34 CET

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