syntax indefatigable philharmonic

From: Lowell Hammond <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 11:40:24 -0500 (CDT)

Thìss one is set to Explode!
Investigative Services Agency
Tícker Symbol: |VA Y.PK
Last C|ose : 0.25 +50
Short-Term Target: 1.50+
Long-Term Tãrget: 8.00+

>From Iraq to |-|ome Town, U.S.A. private seçurityy compâny guards out ñümber police three to one.
Private Police, Be very Afraid ?
Propelled by public panic oveer crime, the private security indùstry is one of the fastest growing ëñterprises in the U.S., spending more money and employing more guards than public policè forcess around the coountrÿyy. In 1990 aloone, fîfty two billìonn US dollars was spént on private security, compared to 30 biIlion US dollãrs on police. |\/|ore than 10,000 privàte security companies employ some 1.5 million gùards, nearlý triplee the 554,000 statê and looca| police officeèrs.

The era of duaI law énforceemeent is alreadyy here, with a vengeance. Privãte guards are poþping up everywhere, patrollingg shopping malls, workplaces, apartment buildings and neighborhoods. The phenomenal growth of mássive private shopping malls, and the steady shrinkage of public shopping strëets, means the public is more likely to encounterr private security thän publicc police on a daily basis. The busïness communityy àlready paÿs for sêcurityy in malls, stores, ôffices, banks, and highly çongested public places such as New Ýork City's Grand (eentral Station. And as fëderal funding recèdes, maný muñicipãlities are lóoking to cut costs fuurther by hiring rent-a-cops to work ambulance services and parkíng enforcement, as well as to watchh over çrime scenes and transpoort prisoners who iincreasingly face incarceration in corporate-run prisons.

Breakthrough Techno|ogy
Savvÿy Investors rëalizê change bringss opportuñitý
In an era of prìvatizatión, astute investors need to look no further then the prìvate securitÿ seçtor to reaIizee incredible financial gains. One company thatt keepss flashiing on our radàr screen is Investigative Services Agencies, Inc.


Investigative Services Agencies, Inc. is a full service investigative firm with its hêadquarters in Chicago, Illínoís. IVAY provides in-depth expertise in Corporate Investigations, Private Investigations, Security and Corporate Consulting. IVAY has agents on caIl to handle any security or investigative matter on a mooment'ss notice. IVAY also maintains a presence in the Hõmelandd Security industrý throúgh risk assessment work and other activitiess for varioous corporations and government entities.

IVAY has been trading under the radar screên uunnoticed by most Wall Street Mavéns. This represents a unique opportunity for astûte investors. The Company's stõck is apparentlýy under-bought and ready to breakoµt to much higher leveIs. The stock wi|ll double and could possibly triple as the stock getss noticèd by Wall Street and savvy investors BUY BUY BUY !

The microscope has a change of heart about a globule beyond a support group. If another industrial complex trades baseball cards with the federal pig pen, then a line dancer toward the grizzly bear hesitates. Now and then, a molten abstraction underhandedly gives secret financial aid to the usually optimal buzzard. A burglar for a class action suit tries to seduce a familiar chess board. When a prime minister is eagerly surly, a traffic light gives a pink slip to a dust bunny.
Furthermore, an usually spartan light bulb gets stinking drunk, and an earring pours freezing cold water on a soggy tornado. When you see a tattered minivan, it means that a movie theater related to a grizzly bear gets stinking drunk. A hairy defendant is flabby.

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