Things for next years LinuxTag

From: Martin Zobel-Helas <>
Date: Tue Jun 28 2005 - 00:10:18 CEST


there are a few things which might be organized better for next years

- As we sell T-Shirts, it might be a good idea to organize clothes
  hangers in advance.

- We should try to deliver some good glas cleaning detergent together
  with the glas showcase.

- Things which can never be enough at boothes:
  - Cutters
  - Tape (diverent sorts of)
  - Pens
  - Eddings
  - synthetic rubber rings (Haushalts-Gummiringe) for the posters we sell.

  Nice to have would be:
  - edge cutter
  - lacing cords
  - more sockets

And one more thing:
  PLEASE don't drop your bags in the booth, that looks very ugly.


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