Re: Minor remarks about DebianDay at LinuxTag 2005

From: Alexander Schmehl <>
Date: Mon Jun 27 2005 - 20:57:54 CEST


As you remeber we gave the audience this year the possibilitie to give
us indirect feedback by feedback forms. Here follows a detailed list of
the results. Necessary comments by me are marked with "COMMENT:",
personal comments will follow in a sperate mail, further interpretition
of this feedback is left to the reader.

With the first three questions the auditor could rate the relevance of
the topic, the competence of the speaker and means of presentation
[FIXME: Add URL to the form for those who didn't saw them]. The
results of those are printed as three numbers ranging from 1 to 5 (where
1 is the best note and 5 the worst), telling the best note, the worst
note and the average.

In the last two questions the auditor had free text fields to point us
to conflicts with other talks and to give us general comments.

As far as possible I already talked to the speakers while their memory
was still fresh. Speakers please note that these numbers are slightly
different from those I told you, because we got additional feedback
after I talked to you. Sorry.

Those who I didn't met (and who might not read this list), whill be
mailed seperatly soon.

Topic: "Debian Security"
Speaker: Joey Schulze
Attendees: 70
Feedback forms: 14
Quote: 20%

Relevance: b: 1 w: 3 a: 2.15
Speaker: b: 1 w: 3 a: 1.23
Presentation: b: 1 w: 4 a: 2.07
  - Having more Debian talks on Thursday would have been better because
    there were mostlu business talks
    COMMENT: We planed to have a full schedule on Thursday, but two
      speakers needed to cancell their talks
  - UG1 (COMMENT: That would be... "Neue Regeln für Linux" by "Edin Dizdarevic")
  - Zu allgemein, teilweise um die Hauptaussagen "drumrumgeredet",
    nicht auf den Punkt gebracht. Maus aus dem Bild? :)
    COMMENT: That's from the only attendee who rated the speaker competence
       with a three
    COMMENT: Could be translated as: "To generic, movede arround the
       main conclussion, didn't got to the point. Mouse on the screen?"
  - A bit to little time (no possibility to ask any questions
  - Debian Praesenz ist sehr gut! Es gibt immer wieder neue Ideen im
    direkten Kontakt, auf die man sonst nicht kommt.
    COMMENT: Could be translated as: "Debians presence ist very good!
      There are always new ideas in a direct contact you wont get

Topic: Internationalisation
Speaker: Luk Claes
Attendees: 12
Feedback forms: 3
Quote: 25%

Relevance: b: 1 w: 3 a: 2
Speaker: b: 1 w: 1 a: 1
Presentation: b: 2 w: 2 a: 2
Conflicts: none
  - Redner sprach in Fremdsprache
    COMMENT: Could be translated as: "Speaker spoke in a foreign

Topic: Debian Archive
Speaker: Goswin Brederlow
Attendees: 35
Feedback forms: 7
Quote: 20%

Relevance: b: 1 w: 2 a: 1.71
Speaker: b: 1 w: 2 a: 1.42
Presentation: b: 1 w: 3 a: 1.85
  - EG (COMMENT: That would be "Wer hat Angst vor MS Exchange?
    Alternativen aus dem Open Source Lager" by Carsten Brunke)
  - too low level
  - spelling mistakes, example conffig file

Topic: The volatile Archive
Speaker: Martin Zobel-Helas
Attendees: 30
Feedback forms: 26.67%

Relevance: b: 2 w: 5 a: 2.625
Speaker: b: 1 w: 3 a: 1.69
Presentation: b: 2 w: 4 a: 3
Conflicts: none
  - * 10 Minuten-Vortrag, in den mehr reingepasst haette - Zeit war ja
    * Vielleicht naechstes mal einmal zuvor abchecken, wieviel man in 45'
      rueberbringen koennte
    * www-Adressen gibt es auch anders - nicht auf 3 slides
      Maus aus dem Bild :)
  COMMENT: Could be translated as:
    * 10 minute talk, which could have contained more - there was
      plenty of time...
    * Perhaps check next time, how much you can put in 45'
    * www addresses are available in a different form - not on three
      mouse from screen

Topic: Debian Women Project
Speaker: Meike Reichle
Attendees: 60
Feedback forms: 12
Quote: 20%

Relevance: b: 1 w: 4 a: 1.75
Speaker: b: 1 w: 2 a: 1.08
Presentation: b: 1 w: 2 a: 1.25
Conflicts: None.
  - best spoken english of all speakers so far today
  - Very nice talk!
  - Speaker was a bit fast for people not knowing English so good
  - Speaker was a bit too fast for people, doesn't know the language

Topic: CDD: Current and Future
Speaker: Enrico Zini
Attendees: 50
Feedback forms: 9
Quote: 18%

Relevance: b: 1 w: 3 a: 2.11
Speaker: b: 1 w: 2 a: 1.33
Presentation: b: 1 w: 2 a: 1.11
COMMENT: One needed to express his rate for the presentation by
  enlarging the skale by 5 additional points to the "very good" side. I
  still counted that as "1" ;)
Conflicts: none
  - Total World Domination is coming...
  - very funny way to hold technical lectures

Topic: m32r Architecture
Speaker: Yutaka Niibe
Attendees: 5
Feedback forms: 2
Quote: 40%

Relevance: b: 2 w: 3 a: 2.50
Speaker: b: 1 w: 1 a: 1.00
Presentation: b: 2 w: 2 a: 2.00
  - Aaargh! Fernanda about women in free sw!
  - Speak a bit slower, please.
  - Title misleading, as talk was also about bootstrapping Debian and

Topic: Kerberos V5 mit Debian
Speaker: Mike Wiesner
Attendees: 50
Feedback forms: 15
Quote: 30%

Relevance: b: 1 w: 2 a: 2.00
Speaker: b: 1 w: 3 a: 1.40
Presentation: b: 1 w: 3 a: 1.8
  - Reverse engenering
  - Super. Keep on going!
  - a bit too fast
  - German only, unfortunately.

Topic: Debian OCaml
Speaker: Stefano Zacchiroli
Attendees: 12
Feedback Forms: 3
Quote: 25%

Relevance: b: 2 w: 3 a: 2.33
Speaker: b: 1 w: 1 a: 1.00
Presentation: b: 1 w: 4 a: 2.33
  COMMENT: The feedback form with the "4" didn't had any further comments
Conflicts: none.
  - Speak a bit slower.

Topic: Knowledge, Power, Beer
Speaker: Florian Möllers
  COMMENT: changed in the last second from Andreas Tille who couldn't attend
Attendees: 30
Feedback forms: 1
Quote: 3.33%

Relevance: b: 4 w: 4 a: 4.00
Speaker: b: 2 w: 2 a: 2.00
Presentation: b: 2 w: 2 a: 2.00
Conflict: none
  - Not prepared enough, but thank you for giving the talk!

Topic: m23
Speaker: Hauke Goos-Habermann
Attendees: 25
Feedback forms: 5
Quote: 20%

Relevance: b: 1 w: 4 a: 2.4
Speaker: b: 1 w: 4 a: 1.8
Presentation: b: 2 w: 5 a: 2.6
Conflicts: none
Comments: none

Topic: Ubuntu Development Model
Speaker: Michael Bank
Attendees: 20
Feedback forsm: 0
Quote: 0%

Relevance: b: w: a:
Speaker: b: w: a:
Presentation: b: w: a:
Conflicts: none
Comments: none

There is one Feedback form left which couldn't be matched to any talk,
because the atendee forgot to cross which talk he is giving feedback
for. However, this form was between some other fedback forms about
Joeys Debian-Security Talk, but the forms got mixed up very much...
Joey, you decide if this form is for you, since I missed your talk, I
can't say anything about it ;)

Relvance: 4
Speaker: 2
Presentation: 3
Conflicts: none
Comments: Zu viele Dinge, zu "ungeordnet" -> hat ueber "alles und
  nichts" erzaehlt, wie Buzzwords
  => verwirrend fuer die meisten Leute, lieber etwas staerker fokusieren
COMMENT: Could be translated as: "To many things, to 'unsorted' ->
  talked about 'everything and nothing', like buzzwords
  => confusing for the most people, please fokus more"

Please note, that the Debian-Day is not a competition of speakers.
It's impossible to rank speakers which talked about different topics -
all you can do based on this feedback is think about it, and try to be
better next time, if yoy think, the "bad" feedback was right.

Yours sincerely,


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