On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 10:33:01PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2005, Martin Schulze wrote:
> >http://www.creative-geeks.de/img/debian_dvdprev1.jpg
> >http://www.creative-geeks.de/img/debian_dvdprev2.jpg
> Wow, very stylish! Go for it (color does not matter for me) - two
> others voted for the pink one - it's fine for me.
I would prefer the green one but that doesn't really matter. I haven't seen
the other proposal but I agree with Joey that a CD Cover should have no
ascociation with war in any way.
-- Das Fernsehen ist die größte kulturelle Katastrophe, die die Erde in der Zeit, an die wir uns erinnern können, erlebt hat. [ Joseph Weizenbaum ]Received on Wed Jun 8 22:42:37 2005
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