Re: feedback form (was: Re: Schedule for Debian Day)

From: Martin Schulze <>
Date: Wed May 18 2005 - 07:14:44 CEST

Adrian von Bidder wrote:
> -> add a line like 'other:', in case somebody has a feedback form on a talk
> that wasn't originally planned (or are unplanned last-minute talks so
> unliukely that this is not possible?)
> -> Relevance: I'd insert a 'to you' at the end of the question in any
> case. And I think I'd use 'relevant' in the question as in the title -
> 'important' somehow doesn't feel right. (Native english speakers anybody?)


> -> speaker: I wouldn't dare to judge the competence of the speaker from a
> single talk... 'Did the speaker make a competent impression to you?'

It's not his general competence, but "on this topic". Even though I
may be competent in one area, I could be totally incompetent and badly
prepared in another about which I could be forced to speak.

> If I fill a survey, I'm always curious to see the outcome - I guess it will
> be announced here, so a pointer to would be sufficient.
> Or, obviously better, if you (or Alexander, as he's offered to do the bean
> counting) cared to reserve an URL for this already...

Did you just volunteer to evaluate the collected forms?

Personally, I cannot announce something if I am not 100% sure that it
will happen. I haven't announce the sarge release yet, because... No,
that's a bad example. I know that most probably I won't be able to
evalue the forms on my own, and nobody has volunteered yet, so I can't
announce that the results will be published. If nobody steps up to do
the work *sigh* the results may as well be lost.

I'd like to put the results online, of course, next to the Debian
schedule would be best, a link to somewhere else would be sufficient.



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