Re: Keysigning at the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage

From: Nico Golde <>
Date: Sun Feb 20 2005 - 12:23:35 CET

* Alexander Schmehl <> [2005-02-20 11:58]:
> * Andreas Tille <> [050219 13:44]:
> > Other question: Why should any person (Debian developer or not) refuse
> > to sign your key once you ask for signing. So just drop in and ask for
> > key signing. If there would be anybody who has reasons to not sign your
> > key he would not do it on a keysigning party as well-
> Hint: Don't say the word "keysigning" to laud at the Debian-Booth, if
> you are not prepared, get surounded by Debian-Guys at once, throwing
> their fingerprints at you ;)
> What "Freibier" is for germans, "keysigning" is for Debian-Guys.

But only if you will not loose the sheet of paper with the
fingerprint right? ;-P
Regards nico

Nico Golde - 310777820@ICQ | GPG: 1024D/73647CFF ,'"`. |           (
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