short version:
burn CDs with us and enjoy an evening with soup+drinks.
slightly longer version:
on the first monday in october we will come together
to burn as many CDs with free software as we can.
it will be a joint venture of all who bring their
PCs with CD burners set up in a local network.
we will provide some food (mainly vegetable soup)
and some beverages at low prices. the main goal
is to give away CDs with free software for pupils
and students and for everyone who does not have
the capabilities to download and burn their own CDs.
come to Graz!the venue is *really* nice as
it is in the new house of art here in Graz:
the media lab is a cool place to be, anyway. (just read
the blurb about it down below and you'll know why..)
i suppose that folks from neighboring countries,
such as the czech republic, germany, hungary, italy,
liechtenstein, slovakia, slovenia, and switzerland
would like to visit this place. well,
come here and we'll try to put you up!
plug: the pd convention is taking place in
the upcoming week just before the cd burning,
so if you are vaguely interested in this then
you should come earlier to take part in one of
the workshops and simply to listen to the talks. see
comments? questions? suggestions? send us
email, phone us, or try to catch us on IRC.
and tell everyone about it, of course! :-)
see you soon!
-- | / "Free Summer 2004" IRC: #kunstlabor |/______ medien.KUNSTLABOR ICQ: 38801898 fon: +43-676-3652766 Kunsthaus Graz +43-316-8017-9229 Austria
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