Traveling by car from Karlsruhe to Oslo

From: Enrico Zini (
Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 01:08:47 CEST


There are still 3 or 4 free places in cars (one of Sven Luther and the
other of Fabio di Nitto) going from Karlsruhe to Oslo.

This is the travel plan so far:

 - Leave Karlsruhe after the end of LinuxTag (sunday night), traveling
   by night.
 - Arrival in Denmark on monday; we have a the possibility of stopping
   in Århus, or we could decide to go straight to Copenhagen if we do
   not need to rest
 - Drive to Oslo via the Øresund bridge
 - Fabio needs to be in Århus the monday of Mon, 21, so we'd need to
   leave Oslo in the late afternoon / evening of the 20th, driving at
 - From Århus on, the return trip will be organized based on who's in

If someone wants to join, or knows someone looking for a lift, please
contact me at



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <>

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