Linuxwochen Vienna, update

From: Gerfried Fuchs (
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 18:14:58 CEST

  • Next message: Daniel K. Gebhart: "Re: 5th - 7th June, Vienna, Austria"


     Here is an update for the upcoming linuxwochen event in vienna. Some
    people are added in the Bcc so they don't miss it -- sorry if you
    receive it in double.


        who | Thu Fri Sat
     X me, myself and I | X X X
     X Christoph Siess | ? ? X
     X Werner Macho | x - X
     X Stefan Kulka | ? ? X
       Florian Leeber |

     ? ... not sure yet, I guess
     X ... for sure
     x ... quite sure

     Florian might be interested but hasn't said anything on when he is able
    to join.


     i386 notebook by me
     ppc notebook by Christoph Siess
     sun station 4 by Christoph Siess

     keyboard/monitor for sun (@ndy?)
     table clothing

     Andy, are you able to support us with a keyboard/monitor for the sparc?

     Christoph Siess organized 300+ Flyers and two A1/A2 posters.
     Werner Macho offered to plot some posters.
     Dennis Stampfer offered some platic foil stickers, special purpose
    only, not as usual give away. They are too valueable to simply give them
    away. He promised more or less to send them.

     So, that's the current status. I am currently waiting for an answer
    from Werner about the posters, I hope there is no problem here. If
    someone else can help with some of the other architectures we support it
    would be truly appreciated.

     Have fun,

    <antifuchs> I ate djbdns and all I got was this stupid licence

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