I mail some mail with a visitor and I get some extra points:
We should put some computers at the booth and every computer have one
debian person. Also every demo-point show one topic, like
Installation, SE-Linux, package-building, apt-get, ...
The 'put a donation, get a CD' is ok. But if a visitor show a strong
interest in Debian, he should get a CD for free.
But we must make some extra thoughts on this point. If we will not put
out CDs for free, we don't need thousands CDs and the Price per CD
will rise. Maybe we will not found/need some sponsors...
Shows at the debian booths: If we make some shows, we need a big
Clock, a timetable (and make this public), some sort of micro and
maybe some sound/bell at the start
Joey: can you start LT2003 and put this (and the other points) on the
web page?
-- Michael Bramer - a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debsupport.de PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org -- Linux Sysadmin -- Use Debian Linux "Munition ist wie Bandbreite - Man kann nie genug haben" aus dasr
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